Faculty of Communication

Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Communication (IUE FC) Code of Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equality (COMMDIV)

COMMDIV is a framework for the relations between students, faculty members and administrative staff (hereafter IUE FC community) at any learning, research and working environment including on-campus, off-campus and online activities.
COMMDIV is prepared in the light of the IUE Gender Equality Plan and Statement of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Academic Freedom.
In line with the IUE’s basic ethical values of “respecting equality, diversity, inclusion, differences, and human dignity”
COMMDIV is a guideline for an accessible, supportive and safe learning and working environment for the IUE FC community. We agree that diversity and inclusion embraces all differences such as gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and age. These differences may not be the basis for any restrictions on individuals’ right to teach, learn, research or work.
We secure gender balance among faculty members, as well as in all administrative roles, committees and boards.
We take steps;
- To form a committee to monitor the processes related to diversity and inclusion and update this document on a regular basis.
- To promote the code to the university community and encourage all parties to internalize and share it with others.
- To create opportunities for exchanging knowledge and experience related to issues of diversity and inclusion.
- To maintain consistent communication among the IUE FC community where each member can share ideas, concerns and criticism.
- To collaborate with other units of IUE such as the Disability Support Centre; the Health, Culture, and Sports Directorate; and the Office of International Affairs for improving diversity and inclusion policy and practice.
We encourage faculty members,
- To prevent students from dominating their peers in any capacity based on cultural stereotypes of gender roles or otherwise.
- To raise awareness in students about culturally constructed gender roles and their involvement with power relations, and to encourage students to resist sexist behavior.
- To avoid single gender groups when students work in groups. Encourage students to have gender balance in any project group, cluster work, etc. unless the subject of the work requires a single gender group.
- To spare some time for studying the local cultures of international students and colleagues and to pay attention to their cultural sensitivities.
- To avoid using sexist or discriminatory language in any form of communicative interaction, including but not restricted to classes and meetings.
- To guide the students not to use sexist or discriminatory language in assignments, projects, group work, class environment and any means of communication.
- To foster an outlook on life wherein sexist or discriminatory language is seen as neither necessary nor sufficient for genuine productive work and where the latter cannot excuse the former.
- To give more space to the work of women researchers, authors and artists in the course materials such as articles, chapters and movies.
- To use multiple teaching and evaluation strategies that address the changing learning needs of students requiring special support.
- To incorporate course materials and case studies obtained from multiple geographies, cultures and social contexts.
- To avoid using stereotypical examples and illustrations regarding socially, culturally and politically sensitive issues.
- To introduce adaptive technologies that will make course content more accessible for students with disabilities or learning difficulties.
If you witness any misconduct against this code, report it to your administrator either verbally or in writing. If you are in doubt about the situation, consult your administrator to prevent possible misconduct.
Administrators at all levels including department heads, program chairs and the dean are in charge of taking action when a misconduct is reported. They are expected to follow every case according to this code and relevant legislation.
IEU FC Diversity Committee annually updates this document by taking feedback from all stakeholders. Each update is approved by the IUE FC Executive Board with a version number and date.


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